How would you rate SACL on the overall value it offers to your organization?*
(0 - No Value; 10 - Very High Value)
According to you, which of the following best describes SACL?*
SACL Management has a favorable partnership attitude and demonstrates commitment to our long term relationship?
(1 - Highly Disagree; 4 - Highly Agree)
SACL moves aggressively and with agility to respond to our organization's needs & plans*
(1 - Highly Disagree; 4 - Highly Agree)
SACL provides know-how that is relevant to our industry and market now and in future.*
(1 - Highly Disagree; 4 - Highly Agree)
It is easy to work with SACL because:*
(Select all relevant responses)
How can SACL strengthen the relationship with your organization?*
(Select all relevant responses)
Can you share 3 things SACL is good at:*
Can you share 3 improvement areas for SACL:*