
Concept of Wastes as perceived in Lean

Concept of Wastes as perceived in Lean

Concept of Wastes as perceived in Lean Standard Work for Manufacturing Organizations strive to eliminate three basic categories of waste in their business processes. Basic Waste Category are: Wasteful activity – Work that adds no value to a product or service. Eliminating such activities from business processes will help organizations cut cost. Unevenness – This denotes inconsistencies […]

Challenges in Sustaining “Lean Standard Work”

Challenges in Sustaining “Lean Standard Work”

Standard Work or Standardized Work in Lean is an important pillar of Lean Manufacturing, Toyota Production System and TQM. The principle of standard work is aimed at formally identifying the defining activities that are best practices and thus for a standard routine for any given role. Here are some challenges in Sustaining Standard Work. Thus […]

Pima Indian Diabetes Data Analysis in Python

Pima Indian Diabetes Data Analysis in Python

  Pima Diabetes Data Analytics – Neil¶ Here are the set the analytics that has been run on this data set Data Cleaning to remove zeros Data Exploration for Y and Xs Descriptive Statistics – Numerical Summary and Graphical (Histograms) for all variables Screening of variables by segmenting them by Outcome Check for normality of […]

Relevance of TQM in the age of AI and Industry 4.0

Relevance of TQM in the age of AI and Industry 4.0

Is TQM relevant in the age of Artificial Intelligence & Industry 4.0?   Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, IoT, RPA, etc are some of the buzz words that are bringing shivers in the spine of many executives. To be fair, actually many are excited about the future and the opportunities that these tools and […]

Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment Consultant India

Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment Consultant India

Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment)  is a Japanese method for strategy formulation, cascading and implementation. Many organizations practice Hoshin Kanri (Policy  Deployment) including HP, Bridgestone, M&M, Suzuki, Toyota, Honda, Ford, TVS, Bajaj, etc., Many Indian companies across sectors, including Manufacturing and BFSI. Its roots are from Total Quality Management (TQM). In India, most conglomerates use Policy […]

6 Grounded Customer Retention Strategies for e-Commerce Businesses

6 Grounded Customer Retention Strategies for e-Commerce Businesses

It is believed that in India, online retail sales will grow by 51% to touch US$120 Bn by 2020. Some of the leading eCommerce companies are Flipkart, Amazon India and Paytm Mall. Current mobile internet penetration in urban India is around 57% and rural India is at 18% only. The penetration of mobile internet have spurred […]

How to organize an Annual Sales Strategy Planning Workshop

How to organize an Annual Sales Strategy Planning Workshop

Before the beginning of the next financial year, say April in India, October in US and January for many other countries, business leaders across sectors deploy the next year’s targets to their teams. In India, most organizations do this in March or some in early part of April. This is not sufficient and I’ll explain […]

Customer Journey Mapping Definition

Customer Journey Mapping Definition

Customer Journey Mapping Definition: Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) is a framework to explore all possible scenarios of customer’s journey so that we can implement the best design. It plays an very important role in Customer Experience (CX) Management and Customer Experience Re-design. As an approach, in Customer Journey Mapping, we create a map of the customer’s journey […]

Pem ern to, fogoff

Pem ern to, fogoff

Yes, you read it right, “Pem ern to, fogoff!”. In Minionese, it means “We love you, Customers!”As crazy as they may sound, the mascots of Universal Pictures are intelligible role models carrying a univocal message on Customer Experience for all of us. Let’s see what we can learn from these yellow childlike creatures.  Here are […]

Check Sheet to Evaluate Touchpoint Efficacy

Check Sheet to Evaluate Touchpoint Efficacy

Building an excellent rapport and loyalty with customers isn’t another management fade. It is about building trust and that cannot be done overnight. We all know this and there is nothing new about this.Here’s what we need to know about building Customer Loyalty. It is not merely about your genuine desire or interest in the […]

7 Acts of Customer Centric Professional

7 Acts of Customer Centric Professional

I was shook up from a deep slumber by a voice that sounded like my school headmistress “Sir, do you want to buy anything”. A 2 hour evening flight is just right to catch up with some sleep.Seeing me wake up, the person sitting next to me seemed relieved(may be because of my snoring). We […]

Customer Experience Quotes 133

Customer Experience Quotes 133

Customer Experience Quotes Here is one of the most inspiring Customer experience quotes to delight customers and customer retention.Do not be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie.– English ProverbTake away for CX ProfessionalsOverpromising is a bad strategy when it comes to customer retention. Get a PDF copy of various elements of Customer […]

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