
How do the products and services waste your time, even if they ultimately deliver value?

How do the products and services waste your time, even if they ultimately deliver value?

Customer Experience: How do the products and services you buy, waste your time, even if they ultimately give you benefit? Customer Effort is becoming a key factor in the decision making! The question that Customers are increasing asking is, does the service channel enable faster end-to-end hands-on time for the me to complete the desired […]

Best practices in customer satisfaction analysis for IT services?

Best practices in customer satisfaction analysis for IT services?

What are best practices in terms of customer satisfaction analysis for IT services? Most organizations in IT conduct Customer Satisfaction Surveys. So that is the first and simplest of all best practices in that sector wrt C-Sat. Using NPS is also a common practice. Some of the best organizations, perform exploratory and predictive analysis to […]

How should a small startup handle customer service?

How should a small startup handle customer service?

My first suggestion is that ensure your product is robust, so it doesn’t generate complaints or support mails. Understand the Customer Journey and find out what can possibly go wrong. Classify what can go wrong into following groups: Life threatening to customers Results in Customer being non-compliant Renders the product unfit for use Partial malfunction […]

Milking the Right Brains

Milking the Right Brains

As Daniel Pink, author of “A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future” puts it, the time of left brain thinkers is over. This era is about Right Brain Thinking. Is right brain thinking merely about crazy ideas, innovations and light bulbs? Most organizations put a bulk of the white collar employees […]

Change Means Future Fit Innovation

Change Means Future Fit Innovation

In today’s chaotic and un-predictable business environment every organization in the private sector, government and non-profit is constantly being challenged to evolve. If they don’t, they perish. It’s like Darwin’s theory of evolution for organizations. The good news is that we have quite a few who have successfully evolved and become future fit. We recently […]

12 Tips to Tame the Self-Service Juggernaut

12 Tips to Tame the Self-Service Juggernaut

Getting to book your own flight tickets without going to a travel agent or picking food of your choice from a buffet rather than being served are self-services that all of us have done to ourselves in the past few years, if not decades. Industries with large customer base and having multiple-frequent touch points have […]

OYO Rooms in Blue Ocean – A strategy that is working well!

OYO Rooms in Blue Ocean – A strategy that is working well!

I checked into a budget hotel and surprisingly everything was fine. When you book in an unbranded hotel, you are mentally prepared for leaky bathrooms, dirty beds, noisy air conditioners, etc.But this time I booked my hotel room through Oyo Rooms, an aggregator of budget hotels in India. I’m sure you have already heard of […]

Protected: Self Assessment on Customer Experience Strategy

Protected: Self Assessment on Customer Experience Strategy

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Protected: Self Assessment of Voice of Customer Management

Protected: Self Assessment of Voice of Customer Management

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Self Assessment on Business Model Innovation

Self Assessment on Business Model Innovation


Protected: Customer Experience Management Priority

Protected: Customer Experience Management Priority

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Change is the Password to Excellence

Change is the Password to Excellence

In July 12, 1854 George Eastman was born and in 1888 he gave birth to a brand called ‘Kodak’ that went to become a household brand in every part of the world. Yet in the year 2012, Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. We don’t know how George Eastman would have reacted to this, but […]

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