
Customer Churn Boilerplate

Customer Churn Boilerplate

Customer Churn Boilerplate will help you gain a holistic understanding of this problem in India and further appreciate the industries impacted, reasons for churn and suggestive approach to address customer churn.  Download Customer Churn & Retention Management Report Download

Good Projects are backed by Good Processes

Good Projects are backed by Good Processes

Whatever is the nature of your business, innovation is critical today.

Profitability Matters

Profitability Matters

I’m not going to discuss about the definition of profitability and other ratios here. We all know ‘Profitability’ is the ability of generating profit. In simple words, managing profitability has to do with managing two aspects of a business:- How much can we make from what we have? How fast can we do that? Finally, […]

Collaboration is different from consulting

Collaboration is different from consulting

Indeed they are different; Most widely accepted definition of a consultant is an expert or a professional in a specific field and has a wide knowledge of the subject matter and one who provides advice in that field. So by definition a consultant has very limited execution responsibility. However commercialization of the ‘Consulting Industry’ and […]

Pre-requisites for Business Process Management

Pre-requisites for Business Process Management

‘Essential Process Management for Good Project Management’ Following is a quick list of things one should have in place for effective project management. It is a relevant for a mid-sized organization and upwards. While the situation with large corporations will be more complex, this is a ‘must-be’ list: Job Descriptions defined across the organization Management […]

Pre-requisites for Strategic Planning Workshop

Pre-requisites for Strategic Planning Workshop

If you want your business plan to deliver results for you, then you have to get involved in creating your plan. Writing a business execution plan has been discussed in detail in a series of two articles titled ‘Essential Business Execution Plan for Start-ups – Individual Hoshin Plan’. But even before starting to writing a […]

Survival Tips for Start-ups

Survival Tips for Start-ups

An IT start-up that developed a product to conduct online exams for schools & college students, landed up in a mess soon after the product was launched! Guess what went wrong – Customers wanted a product with inbuilt question banks that can be used readily. But he has developed a product where customers can upload […]

PM Tips: Who leads the project review? It’s YOU!

PM Tips: Who leads the project review? It’s YOU!

If you are Project Manager managing IT projects you will agree with my following statements: Instead of preparing or sitting in project reviews, I can spend the time usefully managing the project It’s always frustrating, because I don’t want my performance to be analyzed in a meeting room in front of several others I’m not […]

Innovation Musings

Innovation Musings

Innovation is a buzzword today in the corporate world. Every organization wants to be innovative. They want to sell innovative products and services! Genuine innovation creates lots of genuine value to the organization, customers & society. It is about value added to customers & society by the application of creative ideas which are commercialized. Innovation […]

Innovation Vs Creativity

Innovation Vs Creativity

Innovation & Creativity have strong linkages, but they are not the same. Creativity leads to Innovation. It is a sub-set of innovation but an important constituent. It takes creative people to generate ideas that are novel. Innovation structures the idea – gives it form, executes the idea & thus makes it commercially workable. Creativity is […]

DMAIC Failure Modes

DMAIC Failure Modes

This article was published in ASQ Magazine 2005. Six Sigma has penetrated a wide range of settings, including small, medium and large organizations in manufacturing and service industries such as hospitality and banking. To create initial acceptance and commitment across organizations for a true Six Sigma journey, success of the first few high potential projects […]



10 Things that Six Sigma Green Belts forget within 10 days of Training!!   Here are my observations based on not just training a few hundred Six Sigma Green Belts across different demographics of geography, industry & age group, but also having mentored them for few months after the training: Retention of a subject like […]

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