
Roles in Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment

Roles in Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment

The success of any strategy and its execution is a dependent on the how leaders within the organization demonstrate ownership and participate in its execution. Most conventional strategic management approaches don’t have well defined roles that leaders need to play, when it comes to strategy creation and execution. In many cases, the roles are un-articulated […]

Outcomes of Annual Hoshin Planning Process

Outcomes of Annual Hoshin Planning Process

Outcomes of Policy Deployment Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment), a Japanese strategy and execution approach has been used by many organizations as a framework for their strategic planning. Hoshin Planning can be considered as a the process of setting annual goals for an organization or function and deploying them down the line. In general, Hoshin Planning […]

Demystifying Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment X-Matrix

Demystifying Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment X-Matrix

If you are new to Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment), I’m sure your curiosity to learn about Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment) would have left you more confused about X-matrix. This article attempts to clarify the construct of a Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment) X-matrix. If you haven’t already read my article, ‘What is Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment) […]

Striking a Gold Mine of Growth from Voice of Non-Customers

Striking a Gold Mine of Growth from Voice of Non-Customers

It is common to gather the voice of customers (VOC) to understand their changing needs. This helps any organization to better serve its customers. By learning about specific needs; products and services can be customized. Thus over a period of time, organizations build the know-how of segmenting customers very precisely. This helps in creating and […]

Strategy Canvas of Blue Ocean Strategy

Strategy Canvas of Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean strategy shapes strategic structure to create new demand and generate high growth for the company. To create such a strategy, there are a set of analytical tools and frameworks used in formulating and executing it. The first and foremost tool in value innovation and creation of blue ocean strategy is the strategy canvas.Also […]

Characteristics of a Good Blue Ocean Strategy

Characteristics of a Good Blue Ocean Strategy

In simple terms, strategy is the ‘how’ part of achieving goals under certain conditions, constraints, restrictions and assumptions. In ancient Greece the word ‘strategos’ was referred to as the role of an individual – a general in command of an Army. A good strategy should equally focus on execution & communication. In Blue Ocean Strategy, […]

The Six Paths Framework in Formulating Blue Ocean Strategy

The Six Paths Framework in Formulating Blue Ocean Strategy

To break from competition, a organization has to reconstruct the market boundary which is the first and foremost principle in creating blue ocean strategy. There are six basic approaches to reconstruct market boundaries, also known as Six Paths Framework. These paths challenge the conventional approach of the organization in strategy formulation to work within its […]

Knowledge Management In Ramayan

Knowledge Management In Ramayan

Curated & re-contexted from the original article of Mr.Thiagarajan, Indian Bank In both the Great Epics of India, Ramayan and Mahabharata, war ends not with celebration of victory but with transmission of knowledge. In the Ramayan, Ravan lies mortally wounded on the battlefield and the monkeys are celebrating their victory, when Ram turns to his […]

Skyfall 007 – A Curious Case of Blue Ocean Strategy Innovation

Skyfall 007 – A Curious Case of Blue Ocean Strategy Innovation

‘Skyfall’ became the highest grossing film of all time at UK box office with earning nearly £103m. Global earnings of the 23rd Bond movie crossed $1.1Bn. This makes it the first film in the Bond franchise to reach that total and the highest-grossing film in Sony Pictures history. It is the 14th film to gross […]

Cascading Strategic Plans during Policy Deployment

Cascading Strategic Plans during Policy Deployment

The strategic planning process can sometimes get really complicated. Especially when it comes to large enterprises with multiple lines of business, where each of the lines of business are unique and have nothing common between them. The objective of this article is not to give prescriptive advise on what will work for particular situation, but […]

12 Step Strategic Management Cycle

12 Step Strategic Management Cycle

Management of Strategies is a vicious cycle. Most organizations aggressively start them and progress till they hit execution roadblocks, they stumble and quit. By then, its time for the year’s performance evaluation so they scramble and fire fight to achieve their goals. 12 Step Strategic Management Cycle is a comprehensive approach that leverages the principles […]

5 Important Elements of a Good Strategic Plan

5 Important Elements of a Good Strategic Plan

If you are new to Strategic Planning and want to familiarize yourself on what a strategic plan is and how to go about preparing one, then this article will be useful. Strategic plans are prepared at different levels using different approaches, but the ones mentioned below are 5 important elements of a good strategic plan. […]

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