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Tech Mahindra Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Test
If you are already Green Belt trained and wish to get our LSS Green Belt Certificate, then you can register to this course. Else you can register to our LSS Green Belt Certification Course which includes training and certification.
You can now take Canopus Online Green Belt Certification Test and get Certified.
Note: This doesn’t include the Green Belt Course Content. This is only test administration.
Following are the details of the test:
- Exam Type: Open Book
- Duration : 120 mins (no extension allowed)
- Type of Questions: Objective Type Questions
- Attempts: 1 only
- Marks: 30
- Cut-off Marks: 50 %
- No negative marks.
Some questions will require you to access data files and solve them using minitab software. Those data files will be provided when you get the access. But have minitab installed in your computer.
Canopus Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Criteria
After taking our course,if you fulfill our certification criteria below, you will receive Canopus Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification that is widely accepted in Industry:
- Clear online Lean Six Sigma exam** conducted by Canopus Business Management Group in single attempt
- Submit proof for application of Lean Six Sigma concepts(Application of at least 5 Lean Six Sigma Tools to real-life problem or 1 Lean Six Sigma project)
- At the discretion of Canopus, you may have to take viva by Lean Six Sigma industry experts
(Note: For retake fees, contact us)
This course does not have any sections.