Manufacturing Leadership FeedBack Backup

Welcome to SACL Manufacturing Leadership FeedBack Backup.

As a key executive, you are involved in regular interactions with various departments  and personnel of SACL, your feedback is vital.

We'd like to hear from you about the overall experience with SACL in managing regular deliveries and quality performance targets and how you see them as a long term strategic partner. This should take only a few minutes. 

We really appreciate your independent and honest assessment from operational perspective.

How do you rate the overall experience of working with SACL as a supplier?*

   (0 - Very Bad Experience; 10 - Excellent Experience)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based on your interactions with SACL staff over the last 1 year, how would you rate SACL on the following aspects:*

   (1 - Very Poor; 4 - Very Good)

1 2 3 4
   Timely and correct communication
   Taking ownership
   Proactiveness in action and communication
   Sticking to commitments
   Process driven (clear and transparent)
   Quality consciousness
   Continuous improvement
   Complaint or issue handling
   Speed of response to any requirement
   Flexibility in accommodating your adhoc requests
   Coordination between departments of SACL
   Technical knowledge of your part supplied by SACL 

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