Training and Mentoring

Training and Mentoring

We facilitate strategic capability building interventions for our clients through training and mentoring. Our training and mentoring engagements are usually holistic and aimed by building both the requisites and behavior.


Training interventions can be in-person, online, blended or self-paced learning modules. Pre-work activity, pre-reads, post-workshop reads are included in all relevant programs.

The uniqueness of our training workshops include:

  • Focus on learning & not on PPTs, thus using them minimally
  • Guided discovery of concepts through industry examples
  • Task-based learning through full-fledged case study with dataset (if applicable) in which participants work during the training session
  • Structured sharing exercises include group activities and sharing of outcomes to encourage cohesive learning from others’ experience
  • Gamified group activities aimed at encouraging team work with time-bound and objective based group competition
  • Simplified of analysis through Canopus proprietary templates (wherever applicable)

Usually mentoring engagements are combined with training interventions to provide guidance during a project or real-life problems that need to be solved. Mentoring sessions can be through video conferences or in-person.

The uniqueness of our mentoring engagements include the following: 

  • Mentoring will be done by a master facilitator and industry expert with hands-on experience in the area.
  • Each engagement will have a definite number of One-on-One or Small Group mentoring sessions spaced conveniently and spread over a definite duration. Based on the number of sessions and duration, we upfront agree on a mentoring calendar. Usually mentoring engagements last for 3 to 6 months.
  • In every session :
    • Guidance will be provided to apply the concepts covered in training and to develop a structured approach to real-life situations.
    • Mentee will get live problems/projects and the mentor will guide the mentee to derive solutions her/himself
    • Mentoring will bridge the gap between theory and practice 
    • Mentoring will be both strategic & tactical.
    • Between sessions, mentees will have ample time to work on deliverables and make real progress on the project. 
    • Challenges faced during implementation – behavioral, leadership, change management and technical skill aspects will be addressed.
    • Key focus is on ‘quality’ mentoring and creating mentee capability  

Once registered, for the duration of the engagement, the mentee will have unlimited access to e-mail, chat, phone access with mentor and all queries will be returned within 24 hours. 

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