Value Engineering Workshop

Value Engineering Workshop

Learning Objectives:

To help Engineering & Procurement Managers to appreciate the principles of Value Engineering (VE) and how to can be applied in day to day work.

Expected Outcomes:
Target Audience:

Engineering Leadership Team including R&D, Product Management, Procurement and Manufacturing Managers


Two days interactive workshop

Broad Curriculum:

Broad scope is include here:


All the methods to be covered in the training will be Application, Analysis or Synthesis as per Bloom’s taxonomy.

Aimed at encouraging exploratory learning, in this this workshop a full-fledged case study will be provided that the team will workshop from start to finish covering all the aspects covered above followed by facilitated group discussions to understand the VE principles.

To conduct Value Engineering workshop in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India and to know more about the curriculum & structure & customization to your needs, contact us.

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